What’s on my mind?
July, 2023
Today I turn 29. My last year in my 20’s. What a wild time! It has been an amazing journey and here are some lessons I’ve learned…
If you put in the work the success will follow.
Work hard, ask questions- no question is a dumb question!
ALWAYS ask for help! Being an adult is challenging.
Making friends as an adult can be tough and you really have to put yourself out there.
Money will always come and go. So don’t stress.
Friendships will also come and go and recognizing that is the best thing you can do. Not everyone stays in your life forever.
Heartbreak will happen. Time heals all wounds.
Your family is #1. They will love you unconditionally.
You think you know everything in your early twenties but actually you know very little.
Life is a rollercoaster and embracing change is a part of it.